Unclaimed Bank Accounts How Can The Bank Claim My Money To Be Inactive (unclaimed) And Donate It To The Government????!!!!!!?

How can the bank claim my money to be inactive (unclaimed) and donate it to the government????!!!!!!? - unclaimed bank accounts

I have a little money aside has no bearing on me.
It is important not only for emergencies.
Today I received a letter from the bank said that there is no activity on my account for 5 years, and when the check is not my account or something else to do to generate activity in my account is inactive and unclaimed for a gift and all my money to the government on the basis of a law on ""!!!!! Unclaimed property

Needless to say that tomorrow I will be a huge amount of activity by withdrawing the entire amount and the deposit at a bank who do not know who can generate ideas to make money from their customers, Uncle Sam

If this law is in the book, I'm sure that somebody lost his money in this way. I try to a newspaper article at the moment you find a person / company that has been done before.


Judy said...

You have to decide not only to do with its own resources. You will notice that the other banks under the Act into operation. But when it comes to the state as unclaimed property, you can do it again, but not by the state, not the bank.

They are not "give" their money. And it is not Uncle Sam () The Fed, incidentally, is the state.

Mark S said...

Banks and other businesses are required to send unclaimed money (ie cash checks, bank accounts, contents of safety deposit box) for the state. They will try to contact the owner of the property and back.

I had a paycheck that I was lost and never replaced me back about 6 years later.

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