What Is Your Cervical Position And Mucus Like Just Before Your Period I Have A Question It Is Kind Of Graphic Just To Warn You I Need Advice On This Please?

I have a question it is kind of graphic just to warn you I need advice on this please? - what is your cervical position and mucus like just before your period

Alrighty, I began my term of 22 December me all the signs of ovulation on one or two weeks earlier showed I had some brown spots, but only if they are a couple of days ago that dried last two days or less. I mean position of the cervix and the texture of them contribute to the design and the best time for ovulation, and not (not saying it is gross tons of women) Gut My cervix is high, and a little soft and closed, I know I am ovulating today and yesterday evening when I was checking my position on the cervix and cervical mucus, and had a huge blob a little bit smaller than one quarter actually mucus was tough and I've never seen before, it was clear, jelly-What do you think could mean that I do not think this is an issue running my doctor so I just want some opinions, to think what some of you, they could be. Thanks in advance ** ** Serious replies only


bluegras... said...

You could be the formation of a plug of mucus. I'm in the same cycle on that day and had a little light (very light) to detect until yesterday. Maybe we were both implantation bleeding! I expect my period of 18 years and I think I will start by testing the first morning Saturday.
I tested 6 days before my AF with my last and has a positive effect.
Good luck! Oh, and incidentally, also not bad! It's good to know a woman's body!

shell said...

It is normal to have excessive discharge during ovulation. Women who are sexually active, and the first expulsion of fluid. It's like getting rid of unused liquid substances "cash for reports / orgasm. I even met a few, very high libido girls who had fluid in both the" Extra "that she had to wear protection, slip. At this point I would I have no worries.

shell said...

It is normal to have excessive discharge during ovulation. Women who are sexually active, and the first expulsion of fluid. It's like getting rid of unused liquid substances "cash for reports / orgasm. I even met a few, very high libido girls who had fluid in both the" Extra "that she had to wear protection, slip. At this point I would I have no worries.

Lupita said...

There is, for many different women during ovulation, then there is an ovulation test (you buy at Walgreens) can not and explained that if the number of days remaining in the period of ovulation. The tests for the hormone balance in your system, these are a better way, the level of mucus is to check for yourself. I have four children, and even today I do not know if, during my ovulation cycle. I would like to have obtained proof of ovulation and Walgreens, also a fertility test for men, which will consider whether the level is high enough to understand sperm.

Lupita said...

There is, for many different women during ovulation, then there is an ovulation test (you buy at Walgreens) can not and explained that if the number of days remaining in the period of ovulation. The tests for the hormone balance in your system, these are a better way, the level of mucus is to check for yourself. I have four children, and even today I do not know if, during my ovulation cycle. I would like to have obtained proof of ovulation and Walgreens, also a fertility test for men, which will consider whether the level is high enough to understand sperm.

R.J said...

Wow never heard of something pesonal opinion call to your doc and ask if you do not necessarly just going to call and ask ......... Good luck!

R.J said...

Wow never heard of something pesonal opinion call to your doc and ask if you do not necessarly just going to call and ask ......... Good luck!

Hi my name is... said...

Sticky cervical Musco (CM) is not fertile ..... Protein as CM is fertile and moist .... is usually determined after the time is fruitful and creamy before ....

Anyway, if it is clear, jelly-like protein, then u mertile were fertilized. lol never checked my cervix was difficuilt position. My temperature every morning and my ....... CM help .....

I have a message board if you need assistance or ..... I know TTC is trying hard to get!

Hi my name is... said...

Sticky cervical Musco (CM) is not fertile ..... Protein as CM is fertile and moist .... is usually determined after the time is fruitful and creamy before ....

Anyway, if it is clear, jelly-like protein, then u mertile were fertilized. lol never checked my cervix was difficuilt position. My temperature every morning and my ....... CM help .....

I have a message board if you need assistance or ..... I know TTC is trying hard to get!

LOVE MY LIFE said...

If the sticky mucus, then are fertile.
MOCO As you see, can you tell when they are most fertile. Watery mucus that does not mean, how rich and thick, sticky mucus SNOT means that it is a fertile time. I learned when I worked for a midwife and fertility.

tulips♥7... said...

It seems that ovulation takes place. I always have the time of ovulation. You do not know what the place is bleeding too early for implantation. I'm worried about it and just wouldnt do not expect your time:) Good job on the neck of the know-how ... I've tried, but I do not know how to do it right! Good luck!

kris10 said...

I have this mucus jelly things like almost every month, and I think it happens when I'm ovulating. I'ts not all bad, because I'm sure my friends and I are very open to him. They have all the same. I want to know how to check your cervical. Never heard of it.

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